Unlocking the Mystery: Why 4th and 5th Inner Slides in Splide.js Don’t Work?
Image by Otakar - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Mystery: Why 4th and 5th Inner Slides in Splide.js Don’t Work?

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Have you ever found yourself banging your head against the wall, trying to figure out why the 4th and 5th inner slides in Splide.js refuse to work? You’re not alone! Many developers have stumbled upon this frustrating issue, but fear not, for we’re about to dive into the solutions and unravel the mystery behind this phenomenon.

What is Splide.js?

Splide.js is a lightweight, flexible, and highly customizable JavaScript slider library that allows developers to create stunning, responsive, and accessible sliders for their websites. With its powerful API and intuitive syntax, Splide.js has become a popular choice among web developers.

The Problem: 4th and 5th Inner Slides Not Working

So, you’ve created a beautiful slider with multiple inner slides, but for some reason, the 4th and 5th inner slides refuse to work as expected. You’ve checked the code, revisited the documentation, and even tried bribing the coding gods, but nothing seems to work. What’s going on?

Causes of the Issue

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s explore the common causes of this issue:

  • incorrect HTML structure: Splide.js relies on a specific HTML structure to function correctly. A single misplaced or incorrect element can cause the slider to malfunction.
  • insufficient CSS styling: Splide.js requires essential CSS styles to display the slider correctly. Missing or incorrect styles can lead to issues with inner slides.
  • JavaScript configuration errors: Incorrect or incomplete JavaScript configuration can prevent the slider from working as expected.
  • clashes with other libraries or plugins: Conflicts with other JavaScript libraries or plugins can interfere with Splide.js’s functionality.

Solution 1: Verify Your HTML Structure

To ensure your HTML structure is correct, follow these guidelines:

<div class="splide">
  <div class="splide__track">
    <ul class="splide__list">
      <li class="splide__slide"></li>
      <li class="splide__slide"></li>
      <li class="splide__slide"></li>
      <li class="splide__slide"></li>
      <li class="splide__slide"></li>

Make sure to wrap each inner slide within a li element and assign the splide__slide class to each slide. Also, ensure that the splide__track and splide__list elements are correctly nested.

Solution 2: CSS Styling Essentials

To ensure your CSS styles are correct, include the following essential styles:

.splide__slide {
  flex: 0 0 100%;

.splide__list {
  display: flex;
  flex-wrap: nowrap;

.splide__track {
  display: flex;
  width: 100%;

These styles will ensure that your inner slides display correctly and respond to Splide.js’s sliding functionality.

Solution 3: JavaScript Configuration Review

Review your JavaScript configuration to ensure it’s correct and complete. Here’s an example of a basic Splide.js configuration:

const splide = new Splide('.splide', {
  type: 'slide',
  perPage: 3,
  perMove: 1,
  gap: '1rem',
  pagination: false,

Verify that you’ve included the correct options and settings for your slider.

Solution 4: Check for Conflicts with Other Libraries

If you’re using other JavaScript libraries or plugins, try isolating Splide.js to identify any potential conflicts. You can do this by:

  1. Disabling other libraries and plugins one by one to see if the issue resolves.
  2. Using a different version of Splide.js or the conflicting library to see if the issue persists.
  3. Implementing a namespace or wrapper to encapsulate Splide.js and prevent conflicts.

Solution 5: Debug and Inspect

If none of the above solutions work, it’s time to debug and inspect your code. Use the browser’s developer tools to:

  1. Inspect the HTML structure and verify that it matches the expected format.
  2. Check the CSS styles and verify that they’re being applied correctly.
  3. Debug your JavaScript code and verify that the Splide.js configuration is correct and complete.


The mystery of the 4th and 5th inner slides not working in Splide.js has been solved! By following these solutions and guidelines, you should be able to identify and fix the issue in your slider. Remember to verify your HTML structure, ensure essential CSS styles, review your JavaScript configuration, check for conflicts with other libraries, and debug and inspect your code.

With Splide.js, creating stunning and responsive sliders has never been easier. Don’t let this minor hiccup hold you back from achieving slider greatness!

Solution Description
Solution 1: Verify HTML Structure Ensure correct HTML structure with splide__slide, splide__track, and splide__list elements.
Solution 2: CSS Styling Essentials Include essential CSS styles for inner slides, track, and list elements.
Solution 3: JavaScript Configuration Review Review and verify Splide.js JavaScript configuration options and settings.
Solution 4: Check for Conflicts Identify and resolve conflicts with other JavaScript libraries or plugins.
Solution 5: Debug and Inspect Use browser developer tools to inspect HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code.

By following these solutions, you’ll be well on your way to creating stunning sliders with Splide.js. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble with Splide.js and wondering why your 4th and 5th inner slides aren’t working as expected? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some FAQs to help you troubleshoot the issue:

Q1: Are you using the correct HTML structure?

Make sure you’ve got the correct HTML structure in place. Double-check that your inner slides are wrapped in a container element with a unique ID. If you’re still stuck, try referring to the Splide.js documentation for examples.

Q2: Have you initialized Splide.js correctly?

Did you remember to initialize Splide.js after the DOM has finished loading? Try calling `new Splide()` in a DOMContentLoaded event listener or at the end of your HTML file. This ensures that Splide.js has access to all the necessary elements.

Q3: Are there any CSS styles interfering with the slides?

Check if there are any CSS styles overriding the default Splide.js styles. Look out for any `display: none` or `visibility: hidden` declarations that might be hiding your inner slides. Try inspecting the elements in your browser’s dev tools to identify the culprit.

Q4: Have you set the correct options for the inner slides?

Verify that you’ve set the `perPage` option correctly. If you’ve got multiple inner slides, ensure that you’ve set `perPage` to a value that allows all the slides to be displayed. You can also try setting `focus` to `true` to see if that makes a difference.

Q5: Is there a JavaScript error occurring?

Check your browser’s console for any JavaScript errors that might be preventing Splide.js from working correctly. If you’re using a module bundler like Webpack, try checking the compiled code for any issues. A simple console.log() statement can often help you identify the problem.